The Sustainable Dietitian

Your food - Our future

Louise Symington
Louise Symington MSc BSc RD
I’m a Registered Dietitian with
proven expertise in Food Sustainability.

I advise individuals and organisations
using evidence-based nutrition.

I am based in Brighton and Hove, UK.
HCPC registered
BDA Work Ready logo
Sustainable Diets Group



Personalised advice on a wide range of dietary conditions.
Online or in person.
Each consultation includes FREE 30 min follow-up


I run workshops on any aspect of nutrition to suit your needs. Recent workshops include:
Infant Nutrition, Weight loss, Healthy Eating.


Tailored solutions for organisations seeking evidence-based advice in the food sector.
My skills can be applied to a range of services and products.


I am available as a nutrition and sustainability spokesperson for media outlets.
My credentials and experience will add value to any project.

I've worked with...

I’ve worked with many organisations, companies and charities over my professional career. Below are just a few examples: